Monday 21 March 2011

The Bank of England Invests in Fraud

Apology for the Recession? I don't think so!

Bank of England - the Kruptos Crown of World
I didn't actually intend to write anything today - until I listened to the Chairman of The Bank of England talking to the Trade Union Conference this morning in England - about the 'recession'. I now have something to say!
Apparently this is only the second time in 142 years that a Bank of England Chairman has addressed the Unions. I am therefore assuming that it is not something that they feel inclined to do unless they are instructed to do so and I'm wondering WHO would it be who tells the Chairman of such an important institution as the BofE to talk (and even apologise!) to a group of increasingly difficult, militant-minded union officials.
It will not have been the Government who told him to speak. No government has any control over what such a powerful bank does or does not do. Such banks do whatever they do for the financial good of their own private members, not for government and certainly not for the people for it is indeed a privately-owned bank answerable only to its owners.
The Chairman, Mr. Mervyn King, told the Unions that the recession was the fault of financial firms and policy-makers and that, " we let it slip," cleverly implicating himself in a small way thus, supposedly, appeasing any anger felt by the Unions who were, "entitled to be angry." He went on to say that this most challenging of recessions will have an effect upon all the people for years to come and that, " we must put in place reforms," which will, presumably 'correct' the difficulties faced.
This is why I was suddenly compelled to write; the fact that NOW, "we must put in place reforms".
Here's what I believe - and this is, of course, merely one man's opinion.
The Bank of England is the 'control-centre' of the world's finances. Its heart beats in the most influential square-mile of real-estate anywhere on the planet (not even the Queen is allowed inside that square-mile unless she seeks permmission!) and it is run, as I said, by a largely unknown group of private owners, answerable only to each other and their collective purposes about which WE, the people (anywhere) know nothing. That square-mile actually is NOT English, sovereign territory. It belongs to 'someone' else though we're not sure who! This square-mile even has its own laws and police-force.
To those people who may state that this bank is owned by the people in the form of whichever government is in power and that it is answerable to that government, I would say that you are completely wrong and that you might perhaps like to investigate.
The Bank of England is totally autonomous and has been for hundreds of years and every successive government has gone to this bank, 'cap-in-hand' whenever (which is regularly), it needs to borrow money.
WE, yes you and me, pay the bank back both its interest and the capital borrowed each year through our 'Promise-to-Pay' taxable income. We think our taxes go to pay for roads and hospitals and services? Nonsense - the primary objective of our taxes is and always has been, to pay back the bankers. It's why there HAS to be more and more ingenious ways to convincingly tax us (like 'Carbon-taxes!) because we, the people (in every banking-developed country) owe THEM, the central banks, so much! BUT -
The whole system has been deliberately set-up that way for over 80 years now.
This is what so irritated me about the Chairman's speech this morning. He wants us to 'reform'!! Us!
Who will be the grandest 'sufferers' in the current and coming recession? Him? His fellow bankers? The owners of the BofE? Actually, is it even likely to be the politicians of ALL parties who KNOW who is responsible for the crisis?
If we all lose our jobs and have no money for food will we see Mervyn King or the Chairman of The Federal Reserve or President Obama or President Sarkozy or Hillary Clinton or David Cameron or Peter Mandelson or Tony Blair right there with us in the food-queue? You're laughing aren't you - and I was trying to be serious!
When the Bank of England was first set-up in 1694 it was, I believe, the founder, William Paterson of the Bank of Scotland (no less!) who uttered the immortal words, "The bank hath the benefit of interest on all monies it creates out of nothing." Yes, you read that right, 'out of nothing'!
The bank doesn't actually GIVE us anything - it hasn't for nearly a hundred years, not since most of the gold was commandeered or shipped out (to Switzerland!). Gold and silver are the only REAL-value 'standards' upon which money was and (should) be based but now that standard has disappeared; it is all, paper-money, or plastic-money or electronically generated 'money' which has NO true value and it is THAT which the banks 'give' us (and governments) when they are asked for a loan etc.
The only 'energy-value' left is YOUR 'money-of-exchange' which is your 'blood, sweat, time, tears and talent' money - the money you actually EARN through all these sacrifices you make daily. You work hard to fulfil the work-agreement you negotiated with your employer or your clients and you don't receive 'squillions' of dollars or roubles or pounds for what you do and you work honestly and give a fair day's work for what you believe is a fair day's pay.
So what do banks, including The Bank of England, give? Well, they offer 'money-of-account'. Money which they 'create' by making an entry into what was once a page in an accounting book but which is now an entry into a computer data-base. It is, in reality, created by YOUR signature on the end of the application-form for a loan or a credit-card or a mortgage (taken from the Latin word meaning, 'death-grip').
If your credit-rating is ok they will offer you an amount which you pay back with interest and penalties etc, etc but they DON'T actually give you any of their money. They just, as Paterson said all those centuries ago, 'create it out of nothing'! They then get the original loan-amount back (which they created out of thin air) plus they get the interest plus any extra charges they can dream-up (and they do, regularly) PLUS they might even get to claim your house back or your car should you fail to meet the demands for payment. Wow! What a business to be in - banking.
And The BofE do precisely the same with governments. The Federal reserve are just the same. All these banks follow the same rules; THEIR rules for making money. It's just that their ways of working are not as honest and up-front as YOURS are! AND they make vast, huge, enormous numbers in profit. Far, far, far more than you or I could ever even think of making - in our wildest dreams!
As Henry Ford, the industrialist said, "It is well enough that the people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning."
It's a fabulously (and I mean that word) lucrative business. The people who own these 'mega' banks are wealthier than we could possibly believe; like they are wealthier than ANY country in the world - no really they are. They have trillions of dollars in wealth - trillions! Mind you, it isn't difficult anymore to be wealthier than a whole country - they are all in debt! And to whom do you think they might be in debt?
So, finally, I just wanted to vent my complete irritation (I could think of a different word) at the absolutely and deliberately, devious, mendacious and supercilious utterances of people from central banks which have themselves been responsible for sowing the seeds and engineering the causes of ALL the financial collapses in recent history including the one we are currently experiencing.
People like me, ordinary citizens, have also made mistakes but NOT with the same deliberate, ruthless obfuscation and deceit shown by bankers.
We took 'our eye off the ball'. We didn't pay attention and we allowed these bankers and the owners of institutions like The Bank of England to fix complete dominance over our lives through their control of OUR money-supply.
It's time we woke-up to their nefarious activities and re-claimed this financial control and that's why I suddenly decided to write this blog!